Hemet-nisut Hair and Accessories for Genesis 8 Female

"Hemet-nisut" is the ancient Egyptian term for a "Royal Wife" and identifies a woman of power and prestige in Egyptian society. Such a woman would have no ordinary hair styles to display, but a literal array of hairstyles with splendid accessories...

Not only does Hemet-nisut Hair and Accessories for Genesis 8 Female include a complete hairpiece, but also a beautifully crafted vulture cap with detailed head and leg parts plus a magnificent cobra crown and matching earrings in the shape of papyrus blossoms. Additional geoshell props add a layer of adornment to the wig and the cobra crown.

Multiple wearable presets give you a selection of combinations of the wig, crowns, and earrings to draw inspiration from.

Get Hemet-nisut Hair and Accessories for your Queen, your Egyptian Goddess, or your fantastic fantasy Genesis 8 Female!


  • Produktnummer: 72841
  • Dateiname:
    • IM00072841-01_HemetnisutHairandAccessoriesforGenesis8Female
  • Plattform: Daz3D