Heraldic Beasts - Unicorn Poses

The pageantry and tradition of heraldry evokes images of knights and nobles. Bring those images to life with this set of heraldic poses for the HiveWire Unicorn!

Eight traditional heraldic poses for the unicorn as can be emblazoned as a charge, supporter or crest on official coats of arms, with Dexter (turned to the right, facing the viewer's left) and Sinister (turned to the left, facing the viewer's right) versions of each to give a total of sixteen poses.

The poses are not naturalistic, but are instead based on the standard attitudes used within the field of heraldry. As such they present the animal in profile (side on) when viewed from the front camera, although they can of course be used at any angle you wish.


  • Produktnummer: 11791
  • Dateiname:
    • 11791-heraldic-beasts-unicorn-poses-ds
    • 11791-heraldic-beasts-unicorn-poses-psr
  • Plattform: HiveWire3d