Fisio: Physics Simulator

Fisio is a fast and easy-to-use physics simulator for Daz Studio based on the Project Chrono library.

Fisio simulates the motion of solid objects, referred to as bodies. The main features of Fisio are:

  • Any close-geometry prop or figure (including instances) can participate in the simulation as a body.
  • There is no limit to the number of bodies in simulation, other than the computer's memory.;
  • The bodies can be subjected to animatable gravity, damping, point, directional, torque, oscillatory, or wind-type forces.
  • Some bodies can be manually animated, and nonetheless, participate in the simulation, by colliding or linking to other bodies.
  • The motion of the bodies can be constrained by using links between them.
  • Like in the natural world, a body can be defined by its material and its shape.
  • A material is defined, like natural materials, by its physical properties such as density, bounciness, etc., and it can be shared by many bodies.
  • The shape is the specific geometry of the body. The user can select a simplified shape or the actual mesh of the body, or let the plugin determine one.
  • Fisio is extensible with future add-ons.


  • Produktnummer: 87951
  • Dateiname:
    • 87951 Fisio Physics Simulator
  • Plattform: Daz3D